Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Release date: 18, November 2013
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Red Hood Portofolio Blogger Template adalah sebuah template yang di peruntukan bagi anda yang inin memiliki website portofolio yang menggunakan Blogspot / Blogger. ini merupakan template buatan dari Templateism, template yang sangat stylish dan bertema "Flat Portofolio Blogger Template" bahkan template ini juga memiliki fitur 100% reponsif, dengan kualitas yang sempurna serta sangat elegan. bisa dibilang ini adalah template blogger Freemium.
Template ini sangat cocok untuk menaruh hasil dari portofolio baik foto, desain dan karya anda yang lain. dengan tampilan Homepage template yang memperlihatkan karya / portofolio anda, tentunya memudahkan Klien dan orang-orang untuk melihat hasil portofolio anda.
Berikut ini keterangan Fitur yang ada pada Red Hood Portofolio Flat Blogger Template (Dikutip dari Templateism) :
- 100% Responsive Blogger Template: Most of the blogger themes are not flexible enough to fit screens of different devices; even the responsive one fails to do it. However, we are giving you the certain a surety that this theme is 100% Responsive, following are the few screenshots we took while testing it on Android 4.3 and iPhone 5.
- Automatic Logo Generator: Unlike other Blogger templates, we have come up with a new and innovative idea. Some webmasters, who are not into Logo designing (Photoshop) can now make use of this amazing feature. We have integrated a flexible custom script, which would automatically create a beautiful logo for you. All you need to do is to select a 2 word title for your blog for example RedHood Portfolio.
- Portfolio Style Theme: This theme is ideal for Wallpaper, showcase, portfolio, artwork and picture based websites. Giving it a certain amount of awesome behavior Red Hood framework is perfect for all kinds of style (blog, magazine styles are coming soon).
- Tabbed Sidebar Widget Area: The tabbed widget gives you extra space in your sidebar. Those days are gone when tabbed widgets were un-friendly a not responsive. We have added an amazing Sidebar tabbed widget area which would surely grab your visitors’ attention.
- RSS Email Subscriber: Unlike our other themes, we have used this functionality for the first time and we are regretting why we didn’t use it before. It is a bulletin Blogger widget, we have given it a new look and touch with our amazing CSS3 abilities
- Featured Posts Via Labels: This feature is no more a new thing for Templateism Themes (almost all our themes have this feature unlike others). So, what is new here? We have designed it with real amazing CSS. We will not tell you, just go ahead and hover over the posts mentioned below the ticker.
- Finger Touch Friendly Image Slider: Since, it is a responsive theme, so we decided to integrate a touch slider that operates on finger touch (if a person is browsing from a device that supports finger touch.
Dan tentunya banyak fitur lain yang tidak bisa di jelaskan satu persatu, silahkan anda install dan coba praktekan langsung pada blog anda untuk melihat lebih jauh fitur-fiturnya :).
Cara Mengkostum/Edit Template :
Memasukan Iklan 728x60:
1. Saya pastikan anda sudah masuk ke dashboard blogger anda.
2. Tata letak
3. Ads 728x60
4. Edit dan isikan kode dari iklan anda di HTML boxnya
Pastikan iklan yang anda masukan berukuran 728x60 px untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.
Menambahkan Recent Post:
1. Saya pastikan anda sudah masuk ke dashboard blogger anda.
2. Tata letak
3. Recent Post
4. Edit
5. Copy dan Pastekan kode di bawah ini (Ingat! : Anda harus mengUpload 1 gambar dalam postingan anda sendiri) dan anda dapat mengganti "2" dengan jumlah posting baru yang mau anda tampilkan.
<script type='text/javascript'> var numposts = 2; var showpostthumbnails = true; var displaymore = true; var displayseparator = false; var showcommentnum = false; var showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 150;</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>Menambahkan Fitur Post: 1. Saya pastikan anda sudah masuk ke dashboard blogger anda. 2. Layout 3. Fitur Post (TOP) dan edit 4. Pada HTML box copy dan pastekan kode dibawah ini
<div style='clear:both;'></div> <script type='text/javascript'> var numposts = 4; var showpostthumbnails = true; var displaymore = true; var displayseparator = false; var showcommentnum = false; var showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 100;</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default/-/Featured?orderby=updated&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs"></script>Silahkan anda ubah Featured dengan label apapun pada blog anda yang anda ingin tampilkan. (Ingat! : Anda harus mengUpload 1 gambar dalam postingan anda sendiri)
Terima kasih telah datang di SijiPix, semoga artikel diatas bisa membantu anda :)
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